jeudi 20 novembre 2014

The Minotaur or the offering - Photography remake

De La Motte Brothers featuring Antoine Faiseur d'Images
"The Minotaur" or "The Offering"

Female modele: Gaïa Suteiser
edited by Made by John De Cuir
finished by hand with a screwdriver

Just after we painted “The Minotaur” we thought about reproducing this canvas on photography. Then we started to build a mask in papier mâché covered with (stolen) golden sheets (we just couldn’t cover it with Ferrero’ papers !) Lots of cheeks wanted to pose for us, for this no problem. We just needed a male model. So we were looking for THE ONE, in horse racing betting’s places, in weights rooms… One thing we can tell you: men are fearful. We’ve once been said “No, you see, i have too fat a belly for now” So, our project sunk into oblivion.
One day, we met “Antoine Faiseur d’images” during a private viewing (yes, we’re invited to plenty of varnishings) He presented himself as a priest shooting erotic photos, and we like it ! We then drank a bag-in-boxes of white wine together and we got on.
Later, he came to see our work and told us: “Guys, i’ve got a studio, lights and a female model for the Minotaur, one of you could be the Mino on the picture…”
So we went back to work, we built a huge penis and invested on tapioca with a shovel mechanical…

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