mercredi 19 août 2015

At the Holly Gallery - Australia

In an Australian gallery 16,900km from Vertou's church, a hippy couple stand in a reverie before our latest painting. He, moustachioed, is wearing a capacious fur coat. She sports a band of red fabric woven into caramel hair; a long dress hints at shapely thighs beneath. 

lundi 3 août 2015

Michaël Jackson, man of taste

On a bien connu Michaël, c’était un homme bon mais usé par les tournées et le star-system, il aimait venir se ressourcer chez nous à Vertou dans notre demeure, son Neverland sauvage comme il disait. Les premiers jours il dormait beaucoup, c’était vraiment une loque, on lui cuisinait alors beaucoup de boudins noirs pour qu’il reprenne des forces, c’est plein de fer ! Une fois qu’il allait un peu mieux, on lui faisait faire de l’activité physique: foot, abdos, pompes… Et petit à petit il reprenait du poil de la bête. On passait de longues soirées au coin du feu à discuter de plein de choses: des dauphins, des lignes racées de la peugeot 3008... Il nous avait commandé son portrait il y a bon nombre d’années, mais on avait jamais pris le temps de lui faire… 
Et maintenant Michaël est parti au royaume des taupes. Pour lui rendre un dernier hommage on a exaucé sa commande. Tu es toujours dans nos coeurs, on t’aime copain !

“Michaël Jackson, homme de goût” peinture à l’huile sur toile - 84x100cm encadrée par Büro Allemand

We knew Michaël well, he was a good man but worn by touring and the star system.
He used to come over to Vertou in order to have a break from home, his wild Neverland, as he called it. The first few days, he'd sleep a lot, he was so worn out. We'd cook him a lot of black puddings to help him recover, put some iron back in him! Once he got better, we made him practice sport : football, abs, push ups, all that. And, little by little, he'd get better. We also used to spend long nights by the fire discussing things the things he liked: dolphins, the sleek lines of the peugeot 3008... He ordered the portrait from us many years ago but we'd never had the time to do it…
And now he’s gone, to the worms and the moles. At last we have fulfilled our vow to him. This painting is our sincere tribute to a wonderful man. You’ll always be in our hearts Michaël, we love you, homie!

"Michaël Jackson, man of taste" oil painting on canvas - 84x100cm
Framed by Büro Allemand

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

M.J International Show

Quelques petits soucis avec la douane, mais la toile est arrivée. C'est donc officiel, notre dernière peinture sera exposée à partir du 1er Aout à la Holly Gallery à Miami Gold Coast en Australie (c'est genre Pornichet mais avec des palmiers et des requins blancs). Vous l'aurez compris le thème c'est Michaël Jackson. On représente la France avec également Oh de Laval.
Little problems at the border but the painting has been delivered by now.
So, it's now official, our last painting will be part of the exhibition since 1st august at the Holly gallery in Miami gold coast Australia (it's like Pornichet but with palm trees and white sharks).
You might have understood that the theme of the exhibition is Michael Jackson. We represent France together with Oh de Laval.

mercredi 22 juillet 2015

New canvas soon...

“ L’Art c’est comme le foot, tout se joue jusqu’à la dernière minute”
Une de nos nouvelles toiles vient de prendre l’avion, mais cette fois direction l’Australie. Nouvelles bientôt pute !
"Art is like Football: every minute counts."
One of our latest canevas just took off, but this time, forward to Australia. News soon bitch !
credit photo: Musclor Superpiké 
émoticône heart

dimanche 25 janvier 2015

“Magdalena De La Motte” or “Sucking Time”

“Magdalena De La Motte” or “The feeding”, oil on ticking, framed-98 x124cm

It’s with a huge emotion, recluse in our workshop, that we’ve painted this canvas. We wanted to pay tribute to Magdalena, our mother, wiped out by disease and our father’s brutality.
If you haven’t read our biography, we advice you to do so (go to our Facebook “biography”)
Magdalena was the best mother on earth, and also the best cook. What we prefered most of all, was her custard. Every morning, she used to prepare large bowls we ate before going to school. Our day began with our stomach full of this viscous material, soft and sweet like the infinite love of a mother to her two sons.
today, we still consume custard, but in brick, bland and tasteless
Mummy, we love you, we miss you .

Female models: Irina magnum and Noble Chaleur
Photography and editing by Florent Leroy