mercredi 7 septembre 2016

De La Motte @ L'Art est aux Nefs

Depuis que notre géniteur américain nous a lâchement abandonné et qu’ Andrew est partie en Chine pour y développer une centrale nucléaire clandestine, je me sentais bien seul. Petit à petit je redevenais sauvage et commençais à sentir sérieusement mauvais. Après avoir sévèrement mordu des passants on m’a placé dans un chenil. Heures sombres. Mais cette période est révolue. La brise de l’Atlantique a chassé ses nuages opaques qui obstruait mon lourd futur, car un beau jour Jean Marc et Johanna ont débarqués au chenil pour m’adopter. Désormais je vis avec eux dans une belle maison bourgeoise Nantaise, JM m’emmène avec lui lorsqu’il part faire son footing et Maman Johanna me brosse le poil tous les matins. Tout n’a toujours pas été facile entre nous dans cette relation nouvelle, Papa Jean Marc a dû lever la main plusieurs fois pour me remettre dans le droit chemin. Et Maintenant ils m’aident à reconstruire ma carrière artistique, ils viennent de me pistonner pour exposer nos toiles aux nefs, là ou il y a un éléphant qui attire bien les touristes. Mais Papa Jean Marc préfèrerait que je peigne des scènes marines comme des péniches et des chaloupes avec des pêcheurs, mais moi je veux pas !

Since our natural American father so shamefully abandoned us, and Andrew left to develop a secret nuclear power station in China, I have felt completely alone. Little by little I readopted my old savage ways, and started to feel seriously wicked. After I savaged several passers-by, they put me in the dog home. Dark days. But that's all over now. An Atlantic breeze drove away the dark cloud hanging over my future the day that Jean-Marc and Johanna came to the kennel to adopt me. I now live in an elegant new home in Nantes. Daddy Jean Marc takes me with him each time he goes jogging, and mummy Johanna brushes my hair every morning. Not everything has gone smoothly in this new relationship: Jean-Marc has had to raise his hand to me several times to get me back onto the straight and narrow. And they're helping me to rebuild my career as an artist. They've pulled some strings to get my paintings shown in the large hangar where Nantes' elephant pulls in the tourist crowd. Jean Marc would prefer me to paint nice scenes of the river, with barges and anglers in rowing boats, but I don't want to!

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

New exhibition @ La Kage

Before, I used to get my hair cut each month at a salon in Vertou. But it all went pear-shaped last time I went in. I’d just gone to get my hair straightened, but the stylist was totally drunk, and I came out with a pudding-bowl cut. I was completely traumatized. Now, whenever a hairdresser tries to touch my hair I start growling and barking. I had to totally stop going to the stylist’s, and little by little I let myself go, became a wild animal. I was like a raging German Shephard. I howled in the woods at night, and nipped the ankles of passers-by…
But my New Year’s resolutions for 2016 are evidence that I can no longer live like a savage beast. I’ve started to eat more healthily, and I needed to find a new hairdresser: one that could control me physically, and handle my aggressive streak. It’s done! From now on I’ll be looking after my hair care at La Kage. And with this new style, and fresh clothes, I’m ready to meet the challenges of a busy life!

Gluten-free canvases and well-groomed German Shepherds now on display at La Kage until Saturday 5 March.
Credit photo: Made By John De Cuir